Recently, ESG supported the Government of Pakistan (GoP), through USAID’s four-year Power Sector Improvement Activity (PSIA), in their pursuit of promoting and developing alternative renewable energy technologies in the country.

Aligned with the GoP’s priority to substitute expensive imported fossil fuel-based power generation with renewable power projects to be developed through competitive bidding, PSIA technically supported the development of the request for proposal of the first 600 megawatt-peak solar PV project.

USAID’s PSIA further supported the GoP by holding a roadshow in Dubai, UAE on March 6, 2023, to attract and engage potential local and international investors for the project – 31 potential investors attended the event.

The road show delegation included officials from USAID, PSIA, Pakistan’s market regulator – National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA), market operator – Central Power Purchasing Agency – Guarantee (CPPA-G), Chairman of the Prime Minister’s Task force on Solar Energy Initiatives – Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, and AEDB’s CEO Shah Jahan Mirza.

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