Areas of Expertise

Operational Energy and Water
The Department of Defense defines operational energy as energy required for training, moving, and sustaining military forces and weapons platforms for military operations. ESG has a proven track record of developing decision support tools and methodologies to support operational energy and water analysis. We have worked with the Army since 2006 on projects that investigate the impacts of fuel and water logistics on missions in theater and estimate associated costs. ESG’s expertise in logistics and Army costing have enabled Army agencies to assess tradeoffs in operational energy and water practices and technologies to support future forces.

International Energy Development and Policy
ESG has led successful initiatives to support bringing renewable, affordable energy to communities across the globe lacking safe and reliable energy sources for clients including USAID, the World Bank, and the United Nations. ESG has proven expertise in renewable energy policy support, and ESG’s work has influenced policy decisions, directly impacting local economies and the environment in developing countries. Past efforts include bringing solar powered lighting to communities in Africa and Asia without previous access to electricity.
Energy and Business Review published an article in November 2022 about our work on clean energy and resource sustainability.

Energy Efficiency Support/Energy and Water Benchmarking
Since 2005, ESG has worked with the U.S. EPA ENERGY STAR® Small Business and Congregations program offering wide-ranging support to program stakeholders through training and materials development. Through this work, ESG focuses on energy efficiency training and education as well as energy and water benchmarking through ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager. ESG provides web- and phone-based training and support, materials research and preparation, training on the methodology and benefits of benchmarking in Portfolio Manager, and detailed results analysis. ESG works closely with the client to successfully execute the program goals of increased ENERGY STAR certifications, close partnerships with new organizations, collaborative relationships with existing partners, and sustained stakeholder energy efficiency efforts.