Supporting the Warfighter while driving innovation and change
Our Mission: ESG designs effective and innovative analytical solutions to address critical national security challenges and resourcing needs. We seek to identify and mitigate risks while enhancing internal government capabilities and decision-making.
Core Capabilities:
- Advanced modeling and simulation (M&S)
- Artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML)
- Custom decision support tool development
- Logistics modeling and cost analysis
- Operational research analysis
- Policy and program evaluation
- Software development
- Technical writing
Highlighted Work
ESG has served the US Department of Defense (DoD) since 2004 with Prime Contractor experience for contracts up to $15M. Recent efforts have included:
- Civilian Population Modeling to Support Wargaming: ESG is developing civilian population models that simulate civilian population ‘pattern-of-life’ activities, along with reactions to internal and external events across the competition continuum to provide commanders a better understanding of the operational environment and enhance joint planning capabilities.
- Human Operator Decision and Task Modeling: ESG is implementing an integrated and predictive human performance framework to explore variability in human operator decision-making and procedural execution and ways of mitigating risks to overall system performance. Our framework combines computational approaches from cognitive and social psychology and systems engineering.
- Fully Burdened Cost Program: ESG designed and implemented the Fully Burdened Cost (FBC) Tool, a US Army-owned decision support tool that models military scenario logistics and calculates a suite of monetary and non-monetary costs associated with resupply activities for fuel, water, ammunition, and Class-VII. The FBC Tool enables operational impact analysis of materiel and non-materiel solutions, including technology swaps, changes in transportation options, force structure, base camp operations, and policy updates. All FBC Tool analysis is scenario-based, allowing the customer to select and shape necessary parameters for each specified course of action. The tool has supported several analysis of alternatives (AoAs) and operational energy use studies. The tool utilizes authoritative datasets and has undergone IV&V.
Methodologies and Decision Support Tools
Contact Us
Mike Sines, Defense Market Development Lead