
Frequently Asked Questions

What types of employment does ESG offer?

ESG offers positions for full-time employees, consultants, and interns. Please see the Current Openings page for full-time positions and internships. Consultants can apply on a rolling basis for future projects, and consultant positions for specific projects are also listed on the Current Openings page.

What qualifications should I meet to be a consultant?

ESG works on projects for funding agencies, private sector groups, USAID, the World Bank, UNDP and other development organizations. These clients publish requests for proposals with scopes of work and terms of reference (i.e., descriptions of position requirements). The prerequisite for being a consultant is to have the expertise—a combination of experience and education—required by the scope of work and the terms of reference.

What do I have to do to be considered for consulting assignments with ESG?

At a minimum send us your CV by email or regular mail. Before being assigned to a project we will need an originally signed SF-1420 Bio Data sheet—all personal information sent to Energy and Security Group is kept confidential. In your cover letter or email explain your interest and indicate your availability.

What do you need to see on my curriculum vitae?

The CV should describe your expertise and highlight important information—the more specific the information, the better chance we have of making a match. It’s a good idea to provide details on training, postgraduate coursework, and/or certifications.

What happens to my CV once ESG receives it?

Upon receiving a CV we review it and enter it into our database. When seeking a consultant for a particular project or proposed project, we search the database. Your CV will come to our attention if your skills, experience, education, and/or training match those required by the project or proposal.

When can I expect a response to my CV?

We contact consultants when we need more information and when their qualifications match those required by a solicitation or project. We contact potential consultants as positions open.

Question not listed? Email [email protected].

Addressing natural resource issues at the heart of global security

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